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Copyright Filing


Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Copyright Office, India or any other country selected by you.


The official fee for filing a copyright application varies between INR 200 to INR 5000 depending on the type of the original work created by the author/owner.


Copyright Prosecution


Filing of response to any correspondence, attending hearing(s) in order to process the application towards registration stage with the Copyright Office, India.


There is no official fee to correspond or attend hearing(s) in India.


Copyright Assignment/Transfer/License


Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Copyright Office, India or any other selected country.


The official fee to file assignment/transfer/license is INR 200 to 2000 depending on the category of the copyright work. 


Copyright Dispute


Preparing and serving cease and desist letter, negotiation and settlement in India and/or other countries.


Copyright Enforcement


Preparing and filing a civil or criminal suit, assistance in conducting market investigation and raid in India and/or other countries.

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