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Trademark Search


Conduct search in the official database to check availability of the trademark in India or any other country selected by you.


There is no official fee for conducting trademark search in India.


Trademark Filing


Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Trademark Office, India or any other selected country.


The official fee for filing a trademark by an Individual/Start-up/MSME is INR 4500 and for others is INR 9000. Start-up/MSME certificate is required to file as a Start-up/MSME.


Trademark Prosecution


Filing of response to any correspondence, attending hearing in order to process the application towards registration stage with the Trademark Office, India.


There is no official fee to correspond or attend hearing(s) in India.

Trademark Renewal

Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Trademark Office, India or any other country selected by you.

The official fee for filing a trademark renewal is INR 9000. If the trademark renewal application is being filed by a new Attorney/Advocate an additional official fee of INR 1800 is required to bring the new Attorney/Advocate on record for receiving the communication from the Trademark Office, India.


Trademark Opposition


Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Trademark Office, India or any other country selected by you.


Opposition is an objection raised by a third party when the applied trademark is published in the official gazette for the purpose of opposition.


In an opposition there are five stages; Notice of Opposition, Counterstatement, Evidence in support of Opposition/Counterstatement, Hearing and Decision.


Trademark Assignment/Transfer/License


Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Trademark Office, India or any other country selected by you.


The official fee to file assignment/transfer/license is INR 1800 before the trademark registration is granted and INR 5000 post trademark registration.


Trademark Dispute


Preparing and serving cease and desist letter, negotiation and settlement in India and/or other countries.


Trademark Enforcement


Preparing and filing a civil or criminal suit, assistance in conducting market investigation and trademark raid in India and/or other countries.

International Trademark

Preparing and filing a single trademark application in various countries selected by you/designated countries in accordance with the treaties to which India is a signatory.

There is a possibility that one/multiple countries selected by you may or may not be part of a one single treaty.

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