Patent/ Prior Art Search
Prior to filing a patent for your invention, our team of highly skilled patent attorneys, will conduct a prior art search which is the first step to secure a patent to determine whether your invention is novel and not already known.
There is no official fee for conducting a prior art search.
Drafting a Provisional Patent Specification
Preparing and submitting a Provisional Specification at the Indian Patent office by filing necessary forms with requisite details in order to secure priority date for the application.
Our team of patent attorneys have vast experience in drafting patent applications to ensure that adequate protection is sought for your invention. It is recommended to provide as much information as possible in the provisional specification, to ensure that the complete specification claims the invention that forms part of the provisional specification.
There is no official fee associated with drafting the provisional specification.
Drafting a Complete Patent Specification
Preparing and submitting a Complete Specification at the Indian Patent office by filing necessary forms with requisite details and claims.
A complete specification has to be filed within 12 months from the date of filing the Provisional Specification.
There is no official fee associated with drafting the complete specification.
Patent Filing
Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Patent Office, India
The official fee for filing a Patent for a Natural Person is INR 1600.
The official fee for filing a Patent for Small entity, alone or with natural person(s) and/ or Startup is INR 4000.
The official fee for filing a Patent for Others, alone or with natural person(s) and/ or Startup and/ or small entity is INR 8000.
Patent Prosecution
Filing of response to any correspondence, attending hearing(s) in order to process the application towards grant of a patent with the Patent Office in India.
There is no official fee to correspond or attend hearing(s) in India
Patent Renewal/Annuity
Preparing requisite forms and submitting with the Patent Office in India or any other selected country by you.
Our team of patent attorneys will ensure that the renewal fees are timely paid to the Indian Patent Office before the expiration of the relevant year. A patent is valid for twenty years from the date of filing of the patent application.
The official fee for filing a renewal for a Natural Person is INR 800 per relevant year
The official fee for filing a renewal for Small entity, alone or with natural person(s) and/ or Startup is INR 2000 per relevant year
The official fee for filing a renewal for Others, alone or with natural person(s) and/ or Startup and/ or small entity is INR 4000 per relevant year.
Patent Opposition
Pre grant opposition
Pre grant oppositions are governed by Section 25(1) of the Patent Act, which allows any third party to challenge the grant of a patent by filing the necessary opposition in writing after the patent has been published before it proceeds to being granted.
Our team of patent attorneys are well versed with conducting patent opposition proceedings before the relevant authorities on behalf of the plaintiff as well as defendant.
The opposition proceedings typically include a statement, a request for hearing and evidence (if any) in support of the representation.
There is no official fee involved on filing representation opposing grant of patent under section 25(1).
Post grant opposition
Post grant oppositions are governed by Section 25(2) of the Patent Act, which allows any interested party to file a notice of opposition at any time after the grant of patent but before the expiry of a period of one year from the date of publication of grant of a patent.
Our team of patent attorneys are well versed with conducting patent opposition proceedings before the relevant authorities on behalf of the plaintiff as well as defendant.
The opposition proceedings typically include a reply statement, and evidence (if any) in support of the representation.
The official fee for filing notice of opposition to grant of patent under section 25(2) for Natural person(s) and/ or Startup is INR 2400.
The official fee for filing notice of opposition to grant of patent under section 25(2) for a Small entity, alone or with natural person(s) and/ or Startup is INR 6000.
The official fee for filing notice of opposition to grant of patent under section 25(2) for Others, alone or with natural person(s) and/ or Startup and/ or small entity is INR 12000.
PCT National Phase filing
Filing PCT National Phase application in India at any of the four Patent Offices located at Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai or Mumbai, depending on the domicile, business or place of the Applicant.
Within 31 months from the priority date, the application enters the National Phase PCT application. The National Phase of a PCT patent application resembles a national filing in a respective country
Preparing necessary forms, filing request for examination and reviewing application and suggesting necessary changes in accordance with the Patent Act.